
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Milestone

So today is a big day in my life. Not because of anything big that happened or because it was a day that marked anything special. But today I officially hit 60 pounds lost.

I started changing my lifestyle in August and since then, it's been a challenge, but well worth it. I am officially no longer obese by clinical standards. I fit in normal clothes and I've cut my fat and calorie intake. . .a LOT.

Originally 60 pounds was the goal, but now I'm aiming to weigh less. I'm hoping to take off about 15 more pounds so that I'm well within the "healthy weight" range.

I couldn't have gone even one day without Chef's support. What's more is that I've fallen more in love with him because he loves me no matter what size I am. There are few people that can truly say that they will love you no matter what, but with him, I believe it.


MrsB said...

congrats dear, it really is no easy feat - and SIXTY pounds??!! wow, that truly is a milestone. and chef is the man - i always knew you'd find someone so fab! ;)

JasonHunt said...

Congratulations, Miss Ashley! You will be my inspiration as I start the long, hard road back down to a healthy weight. Check out my sorry tale of woe at

Keep up the great work!


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