
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Better, yet busier day

I know my head from ass today because they thankfully parted ways sometime last night. For some reason the two were inseparable yesterday.

Isn't it funny that so many good things can happen in one day, yet the one you dwell on is the negative? Is that human nature or just a side effect from watching too much Curb Your Enthusiasm?

On a good note, a national newspaper listed one of my local events and used a local spokesperson. I've been getting mad props from the people on my committee that don't know what mad props means.

Hopefully this will settle down in the next two weeks.


Hoosier Chick said...

I had high expectations too. Funny. Not Arrested Development or Seinfeld funny, but funny.

Tori said...

I've never seen Curb Your Enthusiasm, but it sounds like my kidna show.
Rock on w/ the mad props!


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