We know it's not a great trainer.
We know you aren't naturally "small-boned."
We know people aren't supposed to count ribs showing as a six-pack.
We know you don't really "pig out" on fast food when no one's around, unless you throw it back up again.
At least the "Growing Pains" girl had the balls to admit that her anorexia. Now it's Lindsay Lohan and bulimia. Shocking. A girl loses a shitload of weight and it's attributed to drugs and an eating disorder. The sympathy card has finally been played.
Excuse me if I don't have a lot of sympathy for someone who gets paid millions to read with emotion, sings as a second job and gets to party like it's 1999 every day of the week. There are plenty of girls with actual problems of divorce, rape, poverty and other horrors we like to pretend don't exist who have eating disorders without the public support of Vanity Fair. In fact, some of them are currently dancing to Lohan's songs at strip clubs.

Most of these celebriteens say they want to look good and feel pressure to lose weight for roles. However, some people NEED a little pushin' cushion to retain their cuteness and appeal.
Case in point.
Hillary Duff was passably cute on Disney. Now she looks like one of those all-day suckers you'd get at Disney World.
It's okay to have fat on your body. In fact, if you do it at the right time (ala Renee Zellweger and Charlize Theron), it might land you an Oscar.
For the love of Krispy Kreme, pick up some Glazed. At least some donut holes. And let them sit in your stomach.
Wow. Don't click on the pic for a close up- she looks like an alien.
I was shocked at how bad she looked. You need the cheeks to look cute, Hillary.
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