
Saturday, June 06, 2009

Chef's Birthday Binge

Chef's birthday was on Wednesday (he's still younger than me, but less so now and for the next 6 months which I prefer). He wanted cash and to binge on all the foods he loves. Both of which were fairly easy requests to accomplish. Primarily, I was happy to overcome my usual birthday giddiness and overcompensation. Maybe it's from years of being doted on by my mom, but I always try to go above and beyond for birthdays, be it my own or people that I love. Of course, the yin and yang of it is that I have to remember your birthday, which is sometimes a bigger problem than anything else.

But I digress, I listened to the sound wisdom of a long-time married friend who said "If he wants cash, just get him cash. No need for more or less." I did and then I also catered to his wants of the day when it came to our meals and snacks. Considering that we've been eating better for the last few weeks, I was looking forward to his birthday just as much as he was. Mostly to get some red meat, but more carbs and some cheese were also on my list of priorities. Here's a rundown of the items consumed during the course of a day:
  • Chicken biscuits
  • Hashbrowns
  • Starbucks lattes
  • donuts
  • cupcakes
  • cheeseburgers
  • french fries
  • Boursin-cheese laced mashed potatoes
  • Filet mignon
  • energy drinks
  • whiskey
  • Coke (full flavored, none of that diet stuff)
All said and done, Chef consumed more than 7,000 calories in one day. I didn't tip in at half of that, but it was still over my daily limit by quite a bit nonetheless. That's a lot of food. Especially when you're used to eating 5 mini-meals throughout the day. I was sick most of the night (never throwing up, but very full) and the next day I regretted my decision to eat steak. While it was certainly delicious, it was also like a brick of meat sitting in my stomach for boot camp the next night. I said more than once "I'm not eating red meat again any time soon." The meat hangover for boot camp was worse--like by at least a measure of 5--than my first day of boot camp that happened the morning after a really bad night of wine drinking.

By Thursday morning, I was happy to wake up to my bowl of oatmeal, fruit and start the day in a normal way. The meal plan doesn't seem so bad any more. Although, I'd totally be down for a bagel right now. I'm just saying.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Ugh, I feel your pain. I haven't had bread, potato or sugar (well VERY little) for the past month. Last week, I ate fried chicken and sweet potatoes and pie and afterward felt like I had a food hangover in my belly.


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