
Monday, September 25, 2006

So close to 5,000 I can taste it

I'm almost at 5,000 visitors to my blog. I was a little scared this morning when I logged on because I knew I was close and didn't want to be my own 5,000th visitor to my blog. It's a little pathetic.

I didn't realize how many people were actually paying attention until I was at a "Texas or Bust" party for my brother and his family yesterday. A few people there actually mentioned how close I was getting and one lovely aunt talked about wanting to be the 5,000th.

Nonetheless, I'm excited to be there. If it's you, please let me know. If you're 5,001 and no one has commented, then do me a favor and humor me. I like to be humored.

1 comment:

lndmxwll said...

crap-5007...10,000 next time. Keep up the good work!


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