
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My First Valentine's Day

Flowers from my Valentine
I was shopping for greeting cards for my beloved and made a startling revelation: I could FINALLY buy one of the "For My Husband" cards this year. It's my first Valentine's with a husband.

Look, there's nothing wrong with living with your lover indefinitely, in fact, if there were reasons other than making our lives easier and health insurance to consider, Chef and I might've done it. But since there aren't a TON of differences in the 8 months we've been married compared to the 7 years we lived together, I thought I'd celebrate one of them, minor as it may be.

The sentiment of my Valentine is the same, even if the type is slightly different. My husband rocks the world. Clearly I think that because I married him. But he rocks for many reasons. On this, of all hollowed Hallmark holidays, I share with you a few:
  • He makes dinner regularly.
  • He has told me on several occasions that it is his mission to make me laugh every day. 
  • He actually makes me laugh every day.
  • He gets me to lighten up and let loose every now and again. 
  • He challenges me--which is probably not that big of a deal, but when I was searching this was hard to find. 
  • He spoils me with his time, his talents and his love.
  • He encourages me to take the big leap when I need to.
  • He keeps me motivated to keep going when I don't want to. 
  • He believes in me (and isn't that what we all want?).
I am lucky to have a great husband and a great Valentine. And thankful for my friends and family who helped me believe that I was worth it. 

Happy Valentine's Day!

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