
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

An Annoying Day

I've been annoyed all damn day. And once again I'm using the blog to let it out:
  • I leave the office for 10 minutes during which time my assistant is looking for me. When I walk through the door, not one but FIVE people tell me "Your assistant was looking for you." I find her and find out she wanted to ask me a question that I could never possibly know nor would I be the correct person to ask. This would only be mildly frustrating except for the fact that this sweet lady has been with the organization 35 years and should know better.
  • People keep asking me to do things that have NOTHING to do with my job. I say no and then I get a call from upper management (who told me to start saying no in the first place) as to why I'm not being a "team player."
  • I've had to run home twice today. Once I had to be driven because my eye has been acting funky. I was on my way a THIRD time when I was told I wasn't needed...after I had already left.
  • My lower back is killing me.
  • Star Jones thinks she's a celebrity but I can't figure out why or how she got famous. Or why we should care?
  • A former co-worker came in to show me pictures of her new the arms of her famous sister-in-law. She had oodles of pics with the famous ones kids and the famous chick's slightly less equally famous husband. Yet none of the pictures had her or her husband in them. Hmmm. Then she looked at me expectantly and when I didn't respond, she said "We went out to LA to visit ____'s house. I even got to see her ___."
  • Nelly Furado went from being "like a bird" to being a ho. When did that happen?

That's all I have to bitch about for now. Actually, I can bitch more, but it's time to go home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, baby, I'm sorry you had such a shit day. But it sounds like you had a nice 4th!


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