
Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Saying was Wrong...Cheaters do Win

I'm so frustrated that I actually shed some tears at work that were actually related to work. I'd been working really hard on a project with a team for a while now. I put in more hours and coordinated efforst in more cities than my counterparts. However, with a little fancy massaging of the numbers, one of my counterparts made it look like he did a much better job. Sometimes it sucks to be honest.

Speaking of sucking and being honest, Lance Bass came out of the closet. Is anyone shocked? Didn't think so. Even if in the population as a whole does not have quite that large a percentage of homosexuals, boy bands bring the average up. At least one in every boyband group of five members is probably gay, so that's 20 percent. That's a pretty safe bet. Then add in the fact that he was crazy enough to want to go to space, and that he was seen on more than one occasion with Kathy Griffin. It all makes sense.

However, I do feel a little bit bad. Lance has been reportedly seeing Reichen from the Amazing Race. This begs the question...what happened to Chip? Chip and Reichen won the race a few years back as a committed couple. I guess a taste of fame begets more licks, so to speak. I just hope Chip was smart enough to get his half of the Amazing Race money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry...Chip did. Reichen is so strapped for cash he's moving in with Princess Frostylocks to save money.


One more year, max.


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