
Friday, October 16, 2009

It's the Jitterbug of the Computer Technology Set

Who knew that Florence Henderson was a technology wunderkind? Okay, so she's probably not. But, she's at least marketing the tech support services for the older generation.

Computers are hard. I get that. If I hadn'd been around them and messed around with them, I would be frustrated and lost too. Here's Flo's solution to all that:
  • "North American" tech support
  • remote users who can access your computer and fix your problem without being on the line receiving instruction

Does anyone else wonder if perhaps Florence Henderson (aka a Hoosier and Carol Brady) might be getting unsuspecting seniors to allow her minions to hack their computer for bank and other information? Whoever thought of it was a GENIUS. (insert evil laugh here).

Less evil but more condescending is the Jitterbug. Although it's commercial jingle is very catchy, the product assumes that most people don't know how to use. . .a phone. I get that address books are hard, but do we really need someone to connect are calls for us? Are we getting that lazy? There's also the Model T version of choice; one phone comes in black or silver.

Perhaps I'm just spoiled because I have an internet savvy, email writing, blog reading, Tetris on a Game Boy-playin' grandmother. Yes, she's really that cool.

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