
Monday, October 26, 2009

How to Clean Up Cat Vomit

This is something Chef and I became experts on as two of the little angels were heaving like Linda Blair in The Exorcist this weekend. Nothing to worry about, but definitely little pools of vomit joy to clean up.

This was the first time that I regreted having more than one animal. Mostly because as soon as one was making that nasal wretching noise (cat owners, you know what I'm talking about) and we ran to try and pick him up to place the feline on a hard surface, then the other one would start wretching too.

Chef got the brunt of the vomiting clean up duty. Genghis and Attila were the infected kitties. So, we kept the clean up to a science:
  1. Wet down spot

  2. Mop up excess vomit

  3. Spray with Complete Stain & Odor remover

  4. Comment on how Complete only works about 75% of what I need it to do, making it really 75% and not nearly COMPLETE

  5. Towel up wet spot

  6. Repeat in 6-8 hours

  7. Be thankful that the other two cats aren't sick

  8. Wonder if the full body cat vomit spasm has pulled any of their kitty muscles

We've been vomit-free for almost 24 hours. Keep your fingers crossed!

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