
Monday, March 15, 2010

Soon NBC Will be Show Crazy Guys

I thought I was alone until my friend Julie commented on it too. What the hell is up with the programmers at TLC? With Jon & Kate Plus 8 off the air, have they tapped out their creativity? Not enough ridiculously large families to follow with TV cameras?

In case you haven't seen them, TLC is launching two new shows: Addicted and Hoarding. Aka a crappy rip off of A&E's wildly successful Intervention and Hoarders. Watching the promos makes me think back to the movie Coming to America. The part where Cleo McDowell (played by John Amos) explains the difference between his restaurant McDowell's and McDonald's ("They use a sesame seed bun. We use a poppy seed bun. See?"). TLC is using poppy seed buns.

I mean, unless Jeff Van Vondern is telling me my family loves me like crazy, it's just not worth it. Besides, I know that Chef loves me enough to know that if it's the off-brand Interventionists coming to talk to me, I'd totally scoff and demand Ken Seeley show up before getting help.

And if I'm expected to clean up my house, then it better be a clinical specialist in hoarding that helps me and not some generic specialist that wanted some attention on TLC.

Am I alone here? I'd be ripping on NBC if they suddenly green lit a show about Chicago Ad Agency workers in the 60s and called it "Crazy Guys" or "Ad Dudes". It's just so uncreative. I mean, it's not like there aren't other topics to do on reality shows. I think non-profits and the crazy things people say to people who work there could fill at least a couple seasons just for Nashville. For example, the American Heart Association (where I work) has to have a line on our answering service that says "If you're experiencing the warning signs of a heart attack, please hang up and dial 911." Our front desk has also had to walk someone over the one block to emergency room because they were having chest pains. That's one episode right there!

I'm just saying. . .

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