
Monday, April 26, 2010

Day One-6:05 a.m.

I got up 30 minutes earlier today and got some things started. Yesterday I put my novel all into one document. Sounds simple, but it's not so simple. It made me see all the holes I have in it and how much more there is to do. Which is nice because it's only about 160 pages right now and has some serious progress to make before it can be considered a first draft.

I got about a page written and while it was a nice start, it's not nearly the progress that I need to make. However, the one side effect I didn't quite bank on was thinking about the portion I was working on throughout the day and wanting to open it back up tonight to work on. I think it's just the rhythm of routine. Or the promise of it. Once I stop working regularly on writing, it becomes this insurmountable thing that I'm not doing. Not doing it is more guilt-inducing and makes me feel worse than plopping down crap. Because at least crap is something and can be like a mind-enema.

Hopefully I feel as productive at the end of day 30.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Glad to see more posts again! ;-)


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