
Friday, April 01, 2005

A Limerick for the Ages (Updated)

Here's a poem, a limerick actually, for you to enjoy:

There once was a girl in Nashville
Who was feeling rather ill
She went to the doctor
What he said shocked her
What wasn't working? The Pill.

Author's Note: Please take a look at the date of this entry. If you think that I would tell my friends and family that I was knocked up with a blog entry, then you really don't know me at all. I would at least do a mass email.


Anonymous said...

Dude, if you are trying to tell us you're knocked up, then I am really, really not buying it.

Anonymous said...

May I help you?

Hoosier Chick said...

Please the email to Anne's brother wasn't nearly as bad as the note we left on her car at the library. I never thought she would actually call that guy. Damn I miss you guys!


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