
Tuesday, April 19, 2005

We have a Pope, but not a good cell phone plan

And he's a Kraut. Dammit. I was actually hoping to see the African cardinal get elected. Instead there's John Paul's confidant, Pope Benedict XVI. Isn't it weird that this guy goes his whole life by one name and all of a sudden he picks a completely different name? It's like if we made all of our president's decided between the names John, George, Thomas and William. Nonetheless, if you're curious about the various names, check out this google answer. What's even scarier is the person who predicted the next pope's name "according to the prophecy" back in like September. Weird.

So after years of loyalty and being crapped on, I'm totally switching cell providers. I think me and Chef are going to get a joint account to save some money and call each other for free. Plus we'd both get snazzy new phones and my analog piece of crap is ready to be pitched. We're still up in the air about where we're going to go, so take the survey and leave a comment. I'd love to know what you all think of your cell provider.

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