
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Things I'll never . .

As I've aged, I think I'm coming to the point in my life where I give up on the silly notions or unrealistic ideals that I had as a kid. It got me thinking this morning about things I'll never be or do. While some people say "never say never," I've decided to take a stand.

I'll never. . .
  • have an ass like Beyonce. It's Kansas flatlands in my pants, but I can make the flatlands more muscularly toned.
  • be the early girl. I'm nearly always on time or late, unless it's for a movie, show or something that starts regardless of my schedule.
  • have the type of body where I can eat anything I want and not gain weight.
  • be able to turn away from a Colts game. No use in trying to get my attention.
  • want to live in Indiana again for a long period of my life. It is fantastic to visit and I might end up eating my words some day, but I realize that I can find a home wherever I land.
  • doubt the leaping abilities of Genghis, because every time I do, he exceeds my expectations.
  • be able to work in healthcare industry on the caregiving side. It's too stressful and I know my heart couldn't take it.
Perhaps more later, but this is enough for tonight.

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