
Friday, February 04, 2005

Fart bucket doodle nugget fire crotch licker vegetable lover

This was the term that kept growing while I was playing a favorite online game: stump google. Amanda taught me this game and I've been having fun trying to think up phrases that will turn up zero results when searching on google. Everyone now needs to play on your own and then email me or post your own phrases in the comments portion. I want to see what the funniest one can be. Also know that I will try them out to make sure they actually turn up zero results.

Tonight is exciting and I'm ready for it! I've been working for about four months to turn Nashville landmarks red and tonight's the night it happens. The Frist Center, the state Capitol, the Parthenon and this big statue of 'neckid' people that Nashvillians think is offensive are all going to be lit up red. I'm really more excited about going to the Parthenon because it's one of my favorite places in Nashville and I was told this morning that two of the fountains are also being lit red. I'm going out tonight and taking pictures, so I plan to post them.

Random thought: Does anyone else wish that Quizno's would bring back the singing rat-cat hybrid and leave the wretched Baby Bob alone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AAAAHHH!!! I always say this nonsense phrase, "doodle nugget" and so I decided to google it! And Yours was the only link with the "full phrase"!!! Yaaaay!!!
~Kooky from Hawaii


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