
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Last Night's Dinner Theme: I tried!

Maple glazed chicken
with Brussels sprouts slaw
Last night I cooked dinner again. I'm back to at least attempting to cook 3 times a week instead of being my usual lazy self. So, if you have any good places you go to for healthy recipes, let me know (And thanks, Misty, for reminding me about Cooking Light). So I've attempted two dishes this week, both with low levels of success. 

I made pumpkin ravioli with a light cheese sauce and hazelnuts on Sunday. It was actually not too bad, but just didn't have a lot of POP. I think the flavors were supposed to be subtle but ended up as bland. And it's a fine line between subtle and bland. Too fine a line for a cook like me. 

Last night was the meal pictured: Maple glazed chicken with Brussels sprout slaw. I found out a few things: 1) I love roasted Brussels Sprouts but I do NOT like raw ones. Even with a nice vinaigrette and dried cranberries. 2) That maple and red wine vinegar might smell like crap when reducing but don't taste too badly together. and 3) I still overcook chicken like nobody's business. I wish I wasn't afraid to give someone food poisoning, but I am.  And that makes me cook the shit out of things. The chicken was terribly overdone, but did need the steak knife for adequate slicing. 

Anyway, here's where I'm at:
  • Pages of fiction read: 55% of a 400 page book (Mockingjay). So, that's technically 220 pages.
  • Fiction read: Mockingjay. I'm going to be sad when it's over. 
  • Fiction listened to via audiobook: None, but I just got the two final Stieg Larsson books because I can't seem to read them and the Confederacy of Dunces, because I've always wanted to read that, but never seem to remember.
  • Five pages written: Yes!!! Still reworking a new beginning to the book. started a brand new section. I'm now up to 45 pages of NEW material in four weeks.
  • Calorie tracking: Check. a whopping 281 calories OVER than my daily goal. Last week was not a good one. hence the new recipes, etc. 
  • Exercise: 265 minutes of exercise in the last week. 
  • Friends and family: Yup. A friend AND a family member got phone calls this week.  
  • Weight Loss:0 lb (did you SEE the calorie overage? Of course I didn't lose weight!)
  • One revised section of novel per week:  Check! Got about 8 pages of a transition to the main story.

1 comment:

Veggie Mama said...

I love reading your blogs, I can HEAR you talking as I read :) So, check out

Also check out cookbooks by Devin Alexander at the library.

And always, no matter what the recipe says (esp meat) season your food!! I like garlic powder, onion powder, some cajun seasoning - steer clear of the salt outside of something like a cajun blend. Seasoning will insure you get some POP, most recipes just don't do it for this girl who's used to flavor!


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